Wednesday, June 10, 2015

On the Twentieth Century

What a fun musical. I came in not knowing anything other than the song "Never" and that Kristen Chenowith was starring alongside Peter Gallagher. I took Aaron because I got two $25 tickets. You can't beat theater that cheap. We've definitely done some busts this way, but at this price he reckons that it's worth it. But what a great gamble we took this time. It was hilarious. It had fun music. The sets and costuming were phenomenal (love vintage period pieces) and Kristen delivered the performance of her career!
Taking place in the 30's, I was gagging at every piece of clothing that came out on stage. The men even had some delicious looking belt back jackets and everything had an art deco feel to it. The whole show takes place on a train called "The Twentieth Century" hence the name being ON the 20th Century, rather than IN. Chenoweth plays Lily Garland, the queen of the acting world and Gallagher plays Oscar Jaffe, the shabby play producer that doesn't have a cent left. They used to date but by the time the show takes place, they hate each other. He needs Lily to be in a show so that he can pay off previous people. He's in a lot of hot water. It would be easy to schmooze her were it not for her super sexy, air headed boyfriend Bruce Granit! (He was literally the best thing about the show right behind Kristen) A lot of hilarity ensues and there's a happy ending. 

Here's Bruce working out which Lily touches his muscles. In the back you can see his headshot on the wall. He smacks it on the wall, and when he and Lily fight he has a bit where he slowly takes it off the wall as if to say "you made me mad, I'm taking my picture with me so you literally have nothing of my likeness to look at."

 We sat in the orchestra, 3rd row from the back and close to the center. Seats were great and nothing was obstructed. I was super happy to have seen this in the theater.

After Kristen's first song, Aaron nudged me and said "how did such a sound come out of so small a body?!" That really is a marvel when I think of Ms. Chenowith. She's quite the fierce performer!